875 W. Second Street
Reno, NV 89503
Phone: (775) 323-7189
Fax: (775) 323-1684

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A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.

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Pam's Story

Last week my “adopted” mom passed away. She had pre-paid her cremation with Ross Burke and Noble on Kietzke, and I just wanted to tell you that my sisters and I appreciate all that your staff did for us and the great care they took with mom.

They called Gentiva to tell the staff when they would be picking up mom’s body, and this was relayed to us. We then got an update as to how far out they were. When the young man and woman came for her body they were so respectful, they didn’t rush us, they let us say our final good-byes. They gave us a card and told us to call Ross, etc. to set up an appointment to discuss the arrangements.  When we left her room there was a gurney with a bright colored blanket and a pillow that I knew they were going to use to cover mom.  I made sure my sisters saw this, because we all thought she would be put in a black bag.

We called and made an appointment with Emily for later that day. Emily was very knowledgeable and helpful. Since our brother was coming in from Maui on the weekend we asked if we could have the service on Sunday and that was arranged.  Emily alerted us to the fact that mom’s body might not be back from the crematorium by then so we had a plan B.

On Sunday, Emily greeted us and had set up a screen saver with Mom’s name and dates in it.  She chose a sunset that was perfect. She had music playing in the chapel and when my sister brought a CD she put that in for us.  She also let us know that mom’s ashes were in the box in the front and that we could take her home with us. There was a nice man who handed out the prayer cards and provided everyone with the directions to my sister’s house. Emily also had coffee in the backroom for the participants. She helped us gather everything together at the end of the service since we were all busy talking to the people who had come to remember mom.

I just wanted to share with you what a great experience it was for us and how great your staff is.

Hugs and Laughs,
